Consign With Us


NOT TAKING: High Heels that retail for less than $500. Work wear (skirt or pantsuits, pencil skirts, black slacks).


  • We consign women's clothing, handbags, jewelry, and accessories.

  • Bring in your new, or gently used high-end "treasures" for consignment (luxury brands are preferred).

  • What constitutes high-end? Ideally pieces that had an original retail price of $200 and above.

  • Acceptance of items is at the sole discretion of Kit's Consignment Boutique.

  • Upon sale, profits are split 50/50 with the consignor.

  • Pricing is at the sole discretion of Kit's Consignment Boutique but generally ranges between 60-80% off the original retail price.

  • 6 week consignment cycles with a sale period of one week during the final week, up to 20% off.

  • Possible renewal of a further 6-week consignment cycle at the sole discretion of Kit's Consignment Boutique.

  • Consignor will be called for pick-up of items at the termination of the consignment term. Any items not retrieved at that time will become the sole property of Kit's Consignment Boutique.

  • Take a look at our Consignment Agreement Contract here. 

"If you are always trying to be like everyone else, you'll never know how amazing you are... Release your inner butterfly through fashion!"  -Kit